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Examination of agility performances of soccer players according to their playing positions

Examination of agility performances of soccer players according to their playing positions By United States Sports Academy in Contemporary Sports Issues March 6, 2015 Submitted by Dr. Kemal Goral* 1* Department of Coaching Education , Mugla Sitki Kocman University, School of Physical Education and Sport, Mugla, Turkey, 48000 Dr. Kemal Goral is in the Department of Coaching Educ..

Football World 2015.07.15

[인人터뷰] 조훈현 "내가 묘수를 찾은 게 아니다 그저 생각 속으로 들어갔을 뿐"

한국 현대바둑 70년.. 조훈현의 58년 '바둑인생' (국민일보 인터뷰) 바둑의 유래에 대해서는 여러 가지 설이 있다. 가장 유력한 것은 고대 중국 기원설이다. 중국의 고전 '박물지'에는 기원전 2300년 요(堯)왕이 아들 단주(丹朱)를 깨우치기 위해 바둑을 발명했다는 기록이 나온다. 오묘한 흑..

What Visual Marketers Need To Know About The 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report

Written by James Johnson on July 2, 2015 Social Media Marketing What Visual Marketers Need To Know About The 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report As a marketer, you can never know too much. Data and Insight is what drives every step of your campaign, from creating an entire marketing strategy, to choosing the Hashtag for your next tweet and everything that comes between...