Inside Revolution· Psychology 149

The One-Word Answer to Why Bill Gates and Warren Buffett Have Been So Successful

The One-Word Answer to Why Bill Gates and Warren Buffett Have Been So SuccessfulJuly 07, 2014 When Bill Gates first met Warren Buffett, their host at dinner, Gates’ mother, asked everyone around the table to identify what they believed was the single most important factor in their success through life. Gates and Buffett gave the same one-word answer: “Focus.” (See more in..

The Psychological Benefits of Writing: Why Richard Branson and Warren Buffett Write Regularly

The Psychological Benefits of Writing: Why Richard Branson and Warren Buffett Write Regularlyjjpacres | FlickrGREGORY CIOTTICONTRIBUTORMarketing Strategist JUNE 18, 2014When you attempt to envision a “writer,” I’d posit most of you see a quirky recluse, hunched over a desk in some cabin, crumpled paper strewn about as they obsessively work on the next great American novel..
