1. Information publishing is the easiest and cheapest business to start online.You can start by creating info products, mainly ebooks, to sell. The creation cost, cost of delivery of product and cost of maintenance are very low. It’s an ideal online business because the internet is all about sharing information.

2. Create an info product that people (a) want to buy, (b) have the disposable income to buy (c) and are looking to buy. No use to create a product that you know people need yet are not inclined to buy. This is a common mistake. People buy what they want not what they need.

3. One of the fastest ways to create an info product is through the use of books that are now in the public domain. This includes expired copyrighted materials and some government publication. Find more information on such government publication at: http://www.access.gpo.gov.

4. Create a book based on the subject of a book that is a #1 bestseller. Remember that words can be copyrighted but not ideas. You can use an idea and present it in your unique way. How many books are there on money management with most saying the same thing?

5. Find commonly used software that most people have difficulty using and create an instructional manual with tutorials on how to use the software. The manuals provided by most software companies are not very user friendly. These companies concentrate on the software development and not the education on using the software. You can fill this need.

6. Find a number of experts in an area and interview them. From their answers compile a book that will come with the authority from these experts. You can just be the editor to bring the interview responses together in book form. You would’ve done very little more than providing the questions and motivation to answer the questions.

7. Create a book based on tips. (Just like this one!) This is one of the easier type books to create because there is no need for a logical flow from paragraph to paragraph. So you may write on “30 Tips for saving money”, or “1001 ways to ask for a date.”

8. Visit several forums in a particular niche and write a book based on the popular subjects that are discussed. There is a lot of information shared by members on a forum that are both practical and helpful. That is the purpose of a forum anyway-to help.

9.Create a recipe book based on a current popular diet plan. Recipes are one of the highest searched for keywords on search engines. You can make these recipes particular to your culture.

10. Write an ebook on the popular subject found on popular magazine covers.The cover story is used by magazine publishers to attract sales so you can benefit directly from the magazine’s research. Their marketing department researched the appeal of this topic before they decide on giving it that prominence.

11. If you are not an above average writer, hire a ghostwriter to write a book based on your ideas. Ghostwriting is sometimes referred to as the best kept secret in the publishing industry. Many #1 bestsellers were ghostwritten books.

12. Present your information in the PDF format which is the most popular format for documents that are created to be shared across many different platforms. Both PC and MAC users can use this format once they have the Adobe Reader installed. The learning curve in producing PDF documents is not as steep as other ebook creating programs.

Some of my ghostwriting clients have made hundreds of thousands of dollars from ebooks I’ve written for them and their customers have no idea that they are not the ‘real’ authors. So even if you don’t have a knack for writing you can still make a lot of money from marketing products created by other writers.