8 Things Leaders Should Try to Do Daily.
Here are a few things some of my mentors do or did daily. I appreciate each and I strive to do the same each and every day.
1. Show up to the office at the same time each day. This one sounds silly but it is the first way to show you are a consistent leader. This is the same thing as having a predictable travel schedule or daily routine. Your staff likes to know what you are doing and how/when you do it. Your daily consistency will translate into trust. Trust that you will handle situations the same as you have in the past. Trust that you will be there when they need you. This is a small step towards building a strong relationship with your team.
2. Speak with people like they are people. I know you read this one and think, this is a no-brainer. Well, truth is even the best of the best sometimes fall short with this one. The first part of this is knowing your audience. Ask them how they are doing and about their weekends and family. This builds the foundation for a quality working relationship. You are building trust in your relationship, so when the time comes and the task is outlined, there is a solid platform for the employees to provide feedback to ensure the task is performed at the highest level. As a leader or manager you are absolutely worthless without your staff's buy in. You should never loose sight of that.
3. Resolve conflict immediately. Remember this is one of the primary function of your position. Your employees expect you to handle conflict fairly, consistently, and immediately. It is okay to take your time and reach out for assistance, but you cannot let it slide under the carpet very long. It's best to get conflict resolved as soon as possible. Think of it as an hourglass full of your employees trust towards their manager. Once it it flipped the trust is starting to run out. The faster you can flip it back over in the most appropriate manner the better. Make sure the resolution is within company policy.
4. Empower staff to make decisions. Unless you can be everywhere in your organization at the same time, you will need to do this. It's is your responsibility to staff appropriately. Will that person know that they need to make the call, and that you'll have their back? Great leaders do exactly that. It may be a great decision, or it may be one of the worst in history. Make sure your people know they have the power to decide and you'll let them know exactly how it went, good or bad.
5. Check the scoreboard. No matter the business the goal is always the same. Ensure you and your staff know where they are and what needs to happen to win. Are goals being met? Are employees doing the right things daily to ensure your moving in the right direction towards your common goals? A great coach knows the score and the how much time is on the clock. Make sure you do as well to put you in a position to call the right play.
6. Check the weather. We have all walked into a work environment in which there is undeniable tension. We have also walked into work environments which the mood is nothing short of a party. As a leader you have the power to tip the table either way. Ensure you are cultivating a positive work environment. If it's tense, you need to research and resolve to get the weather to clear up. Your employees are waiting to see how you react.
7. Provide Feedback. When you see a good job or a poor job say something. Tell tell the employee what they are doing and how it affects the company and the customer. If they are falling short and hear it from you, it could be a conversation which takes them to a new level of productivity. Same goes for praise. Some employees consistently do a great job, but seldom get praise. Someone noticing and saying something is just what they need to take their already great productivity to yet another level.
8. Put miles on your shoes. The worst thing you can do is manage by email only. Be visible. Walk around your office or facility at key operating times during the day. Get to know your staff. You'll see what goes well, what doesn't, and be able to provide feedback in real time. If you do one of these 8 things, this one may be the most important. Your presence and availability may be the most important thing for your operation or organization.
I strive to do all these things daily and it seems to help me. I hope these help you and as always GOOD LUCK!