What Color are Your Leadership Strengths? by Dawn Billings, personality expert

Great leaders posses a varied and diverse range of leadership traits. I believe that is because their are important leadership strengths we can learn from each of the six personality color tendencies of the Primary Colors Personality Test.

Let’s take a look a different personality color leadership strengths that these six different personalities bring to their style of leadership:

1. High Personal & Professional Standards – Expect only the best from yourself! When you expect the best from yourself, you create an environment where others can respect you. Respect is earned. When people witness your willingness to strive for excellence, they are willing to join you on the excellence train.

The HOW to developing this leadership strength? 
Strive to achieve your best - Constantly enhance your knowledge, abilities and core strengths. Allow excellence to be your everyday focus.

2. Commitment of time, energy and effort to get to where you want to be!The key trade–off is around time. At least in the beginning you will not have as much time to devote to a wide range of interests outside your work. Time is your most precious asset and since average CEO’s work 60 to 75 hours per week, you have to be committed to spending the necessary time to get things done.

The HOW to developing this leadership strength? 
Plan your work and work your plan. If there is anything you are good at, it is organization and planning. Plan well. Manage your time well. Don’t get bogged down in being busy. Focus instead on how you can be the most productive and effective.

4. Courage to Take ACTION – Great leaders must be willing to take action. After all the planning, vision, preparation only action can make things happen.

The HOW to developing this leadership strength? Just DO IT  You know the slogan. Action is simply about allowing yourself, or sometimes pushing yourself, to just do it. The secret to taking effective action is to not be afraid of taking action.

3. Be Open to New Possibilities Have the courage to explore new possibilities! Many high performing CEO’s start their professional careers at an entry-level position, and then pursue a wide range of functions and divisions within the organization. These experiences help them to better navigate their carrier path in addition to helping them make good leadership decisions later in life.

The HOW to developing this leadership strength?
Expand your vision  Recognize that everyone can be your teacher. Develop a breadth of understanding rather than a specialized niche in the beginning. There is always time to narrow your focus, but beginning with a broad base will expand your ability to see options and new possibilities with ease.

4. Courage to Take a Risk  Take a risk for new challenges and fresh perspectives! Be willing to take on a new risk by changing companies, changing positions within a company, taking on new responsibilities, or even changing industries. Each challenge brings a keen new interpersonal and interpersonal awareness that many successful CEOs have in common.

The HOW to developing this leadership strength?
Embrace adventure  Don’t take your life too seriously. When you realize that risk can be taken in a calculated and responsible way, take it. Live on the edge of being brilliant.

5. Value and Serve Others – When you value others, they will follow you anywhere and their loyalty and dedication is a great asset. There is a great truth, what you give out, comes back multiplied. Valuing and serving the needs of others is a very selfish endeavor because, you will always benefit greatly in the end.

The HOW to developing this leadership strength?
Stop to take the time to see others for who they are. Appreciate their different talents, personalities and gifts. Notice ways in which their unique strengths can benefit you and the company.

Dawn Billings is an author, coach, entrepreneur, and patented inventor and creator of the Primary Colors Personality Tests and Insight Tools. She is the founder of theExecutive Training Resort in Arizona and CEO and founder of the international women's networking organization The Heart Link Network.