I monitor social media and trends appear in an obvious way. My research is conducted by reading everything on the subject, but also aided by speaking with experts in social media. With the end of the year engendering social media trend prognostication, I thought I’d take my turn.

When you talk to digital marketing leaders on a daily basis consistent themes pop up and become apparent.
  1. The Internet of Things. This one is sneaking up on us because it is alreadyubiquitous and we didn't even notice. 3 billion objects have been digitally “connected” in the last year and that the number is growing by 300,000 things every hour. Lives will be changed. The phenomenon manifests itself by plugging in all sorts of machines with electronics (think appliances) coupled with sensing devices (think sensors on street lamps looking out for ice on the road and alerting drivers). This is burgeoning for two main reasons: 1. the government is subsidizing some of it, and 2. those in manufacturing/electronics are investing in it.
  2. Social Collaboration. Here’s another one that has been happening all along. People crowdsource their projects, companies ask their customers for opinions, government works with citizens to identify and solve problems. Moving past new product development, organizations both public and private are embracing the internet’s two way communication as a resource.
  3. Two Way Communications with Your Customer. This means customers have a say in the products and services on offer; they shape what’s sold. Brands are obligated to listen for everything from new product development to customer service. Plus brands need to be aware of the “circle of friends” for each social connection as every event spreads exponentially. Studies show people are inclined to respond to a message from their friends more sincerely than one from a brand. This one is also here already so if you don’t have the technology infrastructure to support it yet (social listening, triaging, empowered community managers, workflows to the subject matter expert for responses), you’re behind. Chop chop.
  4. Engagement and Personalization. This one is an offshoot of the item above. Every social contact expects an intimate, personalized experience. Brands need to humanize their messaging. Ideally they are being delighted so they want to stay engaged. This means you have to pay attention to your customer, understand their point of view and interests, speak their language…and all in the same medium they choose (you can’t push the twitter message onto an email thread or a phone call, you have to respond on twitter). Transparency counts.

Consider Channel:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Tumblr
  • Pinterest
  • Google+(Yes, still)
  • Flickr
  • Vine
  • VK

5. Content Marketing. You delight your audience by providing information. This supports your SEO efforts, it provides a renewed email effort and it makes people click on social streams.

Consider Format:

  • Post content on social media
  • Post an article on your web site
  • Send out an email blast or newsletter
  • Post a blog on a third party site
  • Create a video
  • Design a uniquely mobile message

I know there are six but I thought 5 sounded better in the title.

6. Mobile. Again, a phenomenon that is here already. All of your communication must be responsive. Just like above, when I pointed out you need to communicate with the medium selected by your audience member, you have to enable your audience to read it on the device they prefer. And more and more they’re choosing their phone.

How do you incorporate this knowledge into your digital marketing efforts?

No, that’s a real question…please let me know YOUR expert thoughts in the comments. Plus I’d love to hear the trends I’m missing.