Tip #1: The first thing you’ll need for a great blog post is a great leading image. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. The image you select will be one of the first things to catch a potential reader’s eye.

Tip #2: The second element is the title. It’s important for the title to be catchy (attractive or intriguing) and instantly grab someone’s attention.

You have very little time to attract a potential reader on line, so make sure you choose your title wisely.

Once you’ve selected the image and the title, you can then write the post. It’s vital to select these two items before you engage in content creation. Although it’s possible to select them after your post has been written, it’s best to write around the image since it will be the key determiner to generating traffic to your post and, consequently, blog.

Tip #3: Write about interesting subjects. Chances are, if it interests you, it will interest someone else.

Tip #4: Don’t overwrite. Although it’s tempting to write and write, don’t. Keep it simple and get your point across.

Tip #5: Don’t overuse images. As I indicated, the first element is the leading image. If you use too many additional images, it may distract from the subject. It drives me crazy when I see blog posts with huge font and an endless series of oversized images. This, in my opinion, although an attempt to look “cute,” detracts from the content and quality of the publication.

Tip #6: Quote from accurate sources. Doing so shows that you know what you’re talking about and will increase reader confidence.

Tip #7: Cite your sources. Clearly cite the sources you quote from in the References section at the end of your post.

Tip #8: Follow your instinct as to when to stop writing. The last line of your post should be a kind of micro-summary of, or conclusion to, what you’ve said.

Tip #9: Do not let yourself be restrained by convention. My blog has numerous categories because I’m interested in a variety of subjects. A varied blog, I believe, will generate more interest and draw more diversity in readership.

Tip #10: Go for it! When you have an idea in mind, start writing your thoughts down right away.


Luba Rascheff is an independently published author, blogger and award-winning photographer.