Excerpt from the upcoming book- The Sensei Leader:

These new times require a new type of leader- a new type of leader that understands a very old type of leadership…

Here are 8 key elements to integrate the ancient wisdom of The Sensei Leader in today’s challenging leadership environment:

1. Today’s leader cannot be limited to one leadership style…

He must be articulate in a number of styles and able to adapt to ever faster changing circumstances and conditions.

2. Today’s leader has to be tough- yet compassionate…

Compassionate, not weak. Compassion in the sense of sincere caring for others, but with the strength to do what is right even when it’s not comfortable, convenient, or expedient.

3. Today’s leader has to be a jack of all trades, Master of one or two…

He has to be proficient enough in certain areas to earn the genuine respect of followers, but at the same time must recognize that he needs to cultivate the talents and skills of others to realize the full potential of the organization or community.

4. Today’s leader must be confident, but humble…

… courageous yet sensitive, authoritative without being authoritarian.

5. Today’s leader must be a skilled communicator…

…and his communication must be sincere, honest and transparent…

6. Today’s leader must be tomorrow’s leader…

…able to build on the past yet perceptive- prepared for every possibility and contingency. He must be receptive to the rapid flow of new information and rapidly changing conditions and willing to act quickly to exploit opportunities.

7. Today’s leader must be a skilled teacher, coach and mentor…

He needs to know when to encourage and when to correct. He needs to know how to bring out the best in others and must be absolutely comfortable in training others to surpass him in talent, skill and ability.

8. Today’s leader leads through sharing, not accumulating.

Today’s leader can learn a lot from one of the most ancient leadership traditions…

…be the Sensei.