12 Must Have Marketing Mindests
Your foundation and how you think about each area of business or success will determine how you start and approach it!
If you start with the wrong idea's and have a weak foundation, you will end up loosing the game before you even begin. But if you get the mindset right from the beginning, you will minimize mistakes and have a far better probability of success.
1. Your business and your marketing should always begin with understanding your customers needs and wants. Their fears, frustrations, problems and desires. You should never begin with advertising, building a website, creating a product ext...It begins with actually understanding your customer or target Avatar!
2. Marketing is about understanding your customer better than they understand themselves. Eben Pagan once said "If you can explain someones problem better than they can explain it themselves, they will unconsciously believe you have all the answers" So understand the words they use and how they think, so you can be their trusted adviser, not a sales person or marketer.
3. Think or yourself as a marketer first and a business owner second. Your a Marketer that owns a business. Since marketing is the main money maker in your business, it's what the majority of time should be spent doing, so master it in every aspect of your business!
4. You must understand how to communicate value for your marketing to become successful. If customers do not perceive your product or service as valuable, you can advertise all day and still never sell anything. You need to be able to translate the value of what you offering in terms that allow the customer to connect the dots and be show exactly how their problem will be solved. Hint: It's the perceived value that sells your product.
5. You marketing has to be run like a business. To run something like a real business you have to take it seriously, you have to test and track everything to make sure it actually works. Most business owners run their marketing by intuition and emotion. They estimate what they think their marketing will and is doing, they don't run it like a business!
6. Nothing is for sure, everything is a test, EVERYTHING! As business owners we like to think we are smart and know what we are doing. We get in our minds that what we are going to do will work for sure. This is the EXPERT mentality and it causes us to continue unsuccessful marketing efforts. This compounds are failure instead of compounds our success. Don't be an expert, expect things won't work and test until you find what does. Leave ego out of the equation.
7. Customers love to buy but they hate being sold. Marketing is about giving your customer all the information and education they need to convince themselves. This means do not try and convince people what they should want. Allow your customer to find pleasure in finding the solution for themselves, so the can love the process of buying!
8. Marketing is not a one time thing. From the day you decide to own a business to the day you stop, the marketing will be an ongoing process. Marketing is built into every area of your business and is the key to your success, make sure it's always your main focus.
9. To master marketing you must master influence so you can trigger action. As humans we do not make decisions consciously, we make decisions at a sub-conscious level and then do what is called confabulation and tell a story of why we made the decision. This means we have to appeal to the chimp inside all of us that makes irrational decisions. However, don't cross ethical boundaries, only use this to help people get what will be good for them.
10. Marketing is the money maker in your business. Almost all activities inside a business just cost money instead of making money. Of all the things that do make money, marketing makes the most, therefore should be the number one priority.
11. Find customer where they already are not where you think they are or want them to be. You cannot expect customers to find you because you believe you have all the answers. You have to meet them psychologically and physically where they are. Make sure your message is put in front of where they hang out and feel comfortable, and the message speaks to them on the level they are currently at. Expecting people to find us is left over from socially conditioning we have from the job mentality. Hint:we never had to market working a job, people just came and bought!
12. Systematize everything. Successful marketing depends on a successful system. Build a system that takes a customer through a successful one a one sales process. Optimize it and test it so it is the most effective and efficient process you can create. You want your customers to go through a consistent experience, from how they learn, why they need it, upsells and follow up ext...
If your a true professional entrepreneur... commit to mastering marketing and referring to yourself as a marketer that owns a business! This will put you in the top 5% of business owners who really get it, and the ones who truly dominate!
Hope you got a ton of value from this post...