Sports Management & Marketing

Five of Our Favorite Nonprofit Fundraising Infographics

youngsports 2014. 9. 4. 13:04

Five of Our Favorite Nonprofit Fundraising Infographics

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last several years, chances are you’ve seen your fair share of infographics online. There’s no doubt that these image and information mash-ups have grown in popularity with time. In fact, they’ve become so popular that sometimes you have to sift through some pretty poor ones in order to find the good ones. Well, we wanted to save you a little time, so we picked out five of our favorite nonprofit fundraising infographics to share.


1. Where Do We Stand?


Most people are familiar with the eBenchmark Study put out by NTEN and M+R Associates each year. That’s a good thing because it’s filled with valuable information. In particular, it gives a nice overview of the state of the digital world as it pertains to nonprofits. The infographic derived from the 2013 eBenchmark study provides the most recent snap shot of the sector’s online behavior. See how you stack up!


nonprofit fundraising infographics

2. The Importance of Monthly Giving


We are big advocates of monthly giving. Among other things, it’s a great way to create a stable revenue stream for your nonprofit. If you haven’t adopted a monthly giving program for your organization, check out this infographic from nonprofithub for some inspiration.


3. Speaking of Donor Retention


We’ve written before about the need to focus on donor retention as a critical component of a healthy individual giving program, but now we have a nice infographic to underscore the point. This infographic from the team at Bloomerang and posted on Katya’s nonprofit marketing blog, helps drive home the message that nonprofits really need to renew their focus on retention!

























































4. The Power of Peer-to-Peer


Donor retention is incredibly important, but to keep your fundraising growing you need to do more than just keep existing donors. You need to acquire new ones too! This infographic that we produced a while back highlights how peer-to-peer fundraising can be an incredibly valuable acquisition tool. Although it focuses on the holiday giving period, the acquisition benefits of peer-to-peer fundraising can (and should be) leveraged all year round!


5.  Broadcasting Your Message


It’s fun to look through interesting infographics for new tidbits of information, but nonprofits can benefit from creating their own infographics too. By packaging up your own mission-centric data in a compelling and highly visual format you can help people connect with your cause…and improve your online fundraising.
We’ve written before about the different stages of a peer to peer campaign and the importance of the campaign launch in particular. During the campaign launch when you are actively trying to recruit fundraisers it’s important to have some compelling content you can push out to your audience via email, social media, your blog etc. Infographics are great for this initial content-based campaign promotion because they are quick, visual, and engaging. When done well, they can also help generate significant social media shares, pushing your campaign message further than it otherwise would have travelled.
Check out the infographic from Unicef below. It visually tells the story of a particular crisis the organization was fundraising for. While the main call to action here was to donate, you can easily imagine replacing that with a call to action to start fundraising.

It’s also worth pointing out that many nonprofits are going beyond traditional standalone infographics and incorporating these visual storytelling techniques right into their websites to help communicate their impact. Take a look at Liberty In North Korea and charity:water as two great examples of organizations that are taking this approach!


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