Social Media Marketing

How To Use Webinars In Internet Marketing

youngsports 2014. 8. 25. 06:43
Silver B.

Team Leader at SFI (Strong Future International) Marketing Group

Article by: Silver Brown, Team Leader at SFImg.

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10 Facts To Consider When Utilising Webinars For Your Trainings

Webinars have become undoubtedly one of the best online interaction tools used for training, education, discussion as well as internet marketing. Basically, a webinar is an online meeting for sales presentations, product demonstrations and training meetings. It is a form of video conference involving a trainer and learners. My objective in this article is for you to learn how to effectively utilise webinars in training your affiliates to grow their home based internet income business and become masters of their own.

This article will only make meaning to you if you are already into Internet Marketing. Either you are an Affiliate Marketer intending to train affiliates in your team, an E-Commerce Associateselling products online or simply an internet fun taking advantage of the many goodies offered online like the famous Pricebenders Penny Auctions.

The name webinar as you may have noticed comes from two words – web and seminar. Now I will not delve into the technical requirements or recommend the best webinar service. There are many of them (including Adobe Connect, Cisco WebEx, BrightTALK, iLink ...). Your choice may be guided by a number of factors. I recommend that for further reading on the webinar services available, you go to

Let’s go straight to what to consider in your presentation, how you deliver and what to avoid during preparation and the actual meeting.


Webinars consist mainly of slideshows not lots of text. You need to record, edit and prepare your meeting so as to broadcast to countless viewers. Quality webinar services will allow you to prepare and upload slideshows, PowerPoint presentations and outlets for feedback via polling. They also provide Q&A sessions after meetings. Therefore avoid using too much text because your online participants will not optimally read much during the webinar. You may put a keyword in the slide, and explain verbally.


It is prudent that you avoid a non-stop presentation to your webinar audience. Give them a chance to participate. Webinar services like Microsoft Lync has tools for surveys, sharing the desktop or white table. Encourage your participants to ask questions in the chat window. You can terminate any of them if something is unclear or unfocussed.


Ever attended to a lecturer who was evidently not well prepared? I personally had it rough seeing 6-8 aged children in my Bible Study Fellowship class putting on facial expressions of dissatisfaction when they noticed that I was not meeting the usual standards. I had to let them know what a hectic week I had. Also, Lack of skills in working with tools and programs will lead to the loss of your prospective audience. So Be Prepared!


Time management for webinars refers to three main issues.
1. Maintaining the scheduled time, 
2. Delivering the content prepared, and
3. Involving the participants.

When you meet the three goals mentioned above, you will have definitely mastered your webinar time. Some webinars have more speakers where you are one of the presenters. Do not be intimidated when you are scheduled to speak last. The temptation usually is to act like I-do-not-matter or to remove essential content. Instead, be prepared to summarise your presentation without eliminating your main points. Reduce on explanations and illustrations when time does not allow you. As a matter of fact always endeavour to allow within the available time, questions and answers. Finally, Remember To End on Time! If the discussion becomes too lively and the participants call for more, (to your success), promise them another session.


As I already mentioned, I don’t intend to discuss the technical computer, devices and software issues here. Besides, as a user of online conference services you can only take the challenge of choosing the best service provider who has taken into account the system features, audio and video quality. What you need to concentrate on here is how best you can use the equipment and the system provided. Things like fast-talking, audibility, intonation, microphone manners and unnecessary repetition of words or stuttering are all points to consider while preparing for a presentation. Public speaking is like singing, one has to do some voice and speech training. What some people do for self-training in public speaking is pre-record themselves or use a mirror to see how they look when they talk. Quite bizarre but commendable! And please, avoid gesturing; your webcam speed may not cope with it!


Ever had a phone conversation with someone on a bike, gazing out of a car or train window, on a farm, on a busy street or market,...? Noise interference can spoil an important online interaction. Work in an enclosed area free from distant noise, wind, car ravings and switch off phones. You can post an “out of bounds” or “webinar in progress” sign to keep out unwelcome enthusiasts.


You see the reason why you have read all the way to fact number seven is undoubtedly because you find my content in this article not only interesting and exciting but also informative and developmental. Haven’t you? Well, that is the point. Your presentation should contain practical uses of the content that it presents. People are not interest in long theoretical lectures. They need confirmatory testimonies and practical examples that will attract them to your product or idea. Above all, they want to understand how practical it is. 


Precision in webinar marketing refers to ideas, graphics, illustrations and expressions characterized by perfect conformity to fact or truth. Keep It Strictly Spot-on. Also remember to keep your audience anticipating. If possible don’t go as far as I have gone here so far. I actually think I should stop at fact 10 out of the 100!


Webinars involve slide shows like PowerPoint. Clarity and legibility should be your concern. Now there is a tendency to become fanciful with the fonts, colours and animations. Keep in mind that no matter how much you like diversity and distinctiveness of your presentations, do not overdo it.


Most internet marketers have some experience with ICT equipment including their installation, setup and basic care. However, should you require technical help, ensure that you have someone to help you in time. Any technical hiccups in the middle of your conference can be very disappointing. If possible have your technician early enough before the webinar commences and keep him/her on standby throughout the session. Some of the most easy things can turn out to be the most tough ones!

Finally as I mentioned earlier, to make most out of internet marketing, you need to be part of a bigger environment system which offers almost everything you need all in one place. I personally recommend Strong Future International marketing group you will not be disappointed.

Article by: Silver Brown, Team Leader at SFImg.
Copyright 2014, ICT Prototype online Marketing Jobs. No part of this work may be republished, redistributed, or sold in part or as a whole without the written permission of the author. For more information regarding this topic contact
