Sports Management & Marketing

The 6 Marketing Secrets I Learned from Bono & U2

youngsports 2014. 7. 15. 22:18

The 6 Marketing Secrets I Learned from Bono & U2

Watch. Listen. Learn. Emulate. Update. Repeat.

Unless you have content that will go viral like 'The Worlds Lowliest Mule-burro'

. .Or Maybe the First Verifiable You-Tube video Interview with ET:

Only in the broadest interpretation of course. You'd have meet Ell Wood or Bill Shott.

Marketing takes Time and Energy. There are no Shortcuts. No Tricks. Just plenty of good old fashioned hard work. But I have done a Bunch of research for you.

I've spent the last year Surfing the Net, watching, listening, learning what works and what does not. From FaceBook I learned a lot of what does not. From Twitter a little more of the same. Now when we come to Yahoo we start to see some successful techniques. But if you really want to see success? Surf You-Tube content. People like moving pictures, content that engages. Content that reaches a wide range of people on a personal level. So who generates content like that, successfully year after year?

That brings us to Bono and U-2

Here's what I've learned so far distilled down to the essentials.

Believe me when I say: Bono did his homework first. He and his band mates The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen, Jr., grew up in a time of turmoil and Creative wonder. Learning their craft from the greats of Rock and Roll. From Roger Daltry & The Who, to Mick Jagger, Keith Richards & the Rolling Stones they found inspiration in Presentation.

With The Beatles, they Listened to the Lyrics and found solace in the words of others that taught them the importance of creating a Message others wanted to hear. Strengthening their resolve with Bob Dylan, borrowing a little heat from the Ramones. They combined all these elements to create their own unique style.

Here is a cut from 1985 that demonstrates how U-2 incorporates all of these things in one 12 minute segment. Watch, listen and learn techniques used 30 years ago which are still valid today.

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Bono has been known to cite such diverse talents as Elvis Presley, Van Morrison or Patti Smith in influencing his team to develop a distinctive Style which went on to pluck at the Heart-strings of Millions around the World.

Coming from the mean streets of Ireland during a time of strife these young men felt compelled to be active in the world they had inherited. Inspired to take Action, they chose the Tools at hand. Music and words. With out a doubt the most powerful tools of that Era.

Here is a brief interview with Bono early on at age 24, you will notice he speaks of 'seeing' the American people and 'listening' to them and being inspired by their Spirit. He has gone on to incorporate the ideas and concerns of those around him into his music.

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Eyes wide open to the ever changing world around them, instinctively they knew the Cardinal rule of survival. Adapt or Perish.

With that in mind, they kept abreast of the issues across the Globe. Crafting their Lyrics and music to stay Current and Relevant to the audience, no matter what Race or Creed. And as Technology progressed, so too U2 adapted by creating stunning Video clips to reinforce their message.

In the interest of Levity I think you might enjoy this from the David Letterman show: ...............

. . "The top 10 things U2 has learned over the years."

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Then we have the chief concern of anyone in the public eye:

Oprah: Do you have anxiety every time you release an album?

Bono: Of course. It's much easier to be successful than it is to be relevant. The tricks won't keep you relevant. Tricks might keep you popular for a while, but in all honesty, I don't know how U2 will stay relevant. I know we've got a future. I know we can fill stadiums. And yet with every record, I think, Is this it? Are we still relevant?

So with all of this in mind, now of course you want to know. What has this to do with Marketing? Which by the way, is not a favorite topic for Bono and his 'Band of Brothers'.

Lets look at what we've learned.

1. Know your audience.

. Marketing like anything else requires study, if you expect to be successful. Research the Competition, to ascertain what their Image is Keyed upon. Note their strong points and weaknesses. Identify your clients needs & wants. Find that Niche you expect to fill.

2. Create an Image.

. Craft an Image to appeal to your client, not your Ego. Use Key words in your Title/Brand which give automatic Visibility. Set yourself apart from the crowd with original Content. Be willing to adapt your image to changing times & tastes. Fresh sells.

3. Develop a clear message.

. Be concise in describing your Brand. This is a 'sound-bite' Generation, say it with Punch and be done. For additional appeal, commit to a Cause. Be active and vocal in your support, make your brand synonymous with your chosen Cause. It becomes Mutually beneficial.

4. Stay current.

. Keep your content Attractive by constant Change. Introduce new Material that is Relevant to a Current Hot Topic. This acts as a Multiplier, adding to your own Exposure. Old news dies on the Web.

5. Acknowledge your roots.

. Be Humble in your Praise on those who have Influenced your own Philosophy and Views. By acknowledging others, their Exposure adds to your Traction. Essentially free advertising.

6. Repeat as needed.

. Internet content has a very short half-life, 48 minutes to 48 hours. But nobody wants to see the same thing twice. So when you replay material, give it a new flavor. In the same manor U2 may release a previous selection in a Greatest Hits album, Re-assemble previous content to give it a new look and feel.

Now of course I can go on to expand on these basic Strategies ad-infinitum. But that wouldn't serve you or me very well now would it?

So having been fore-warned by my client Elwood of the hazards of self promotion, I'll let him fill in the blanks.
