Sports Management & Marketing

Is Marketing an Art or a Science?

youngsports 2014. 6. 10. 15:52

Is Marketing an Art or a Science?


Look at these common dictionary definitions first:

Art: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination; a skill at doing a specified thing, typically one acquired through practice.

Science: the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment; a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject.

We often consider art and science to occupy two distinct realms. Yet their definitions reveal what they have in common: the acquisition of a body of knowledge, based in either experience and/or experiment.

Now, consider the word marketing itself.

Marketing: the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.

Even in this narrow definition of marketing, which focuses on its visible activities, lurks the before and after, the art and science.

To devise a marketing campaign requires the arts of strategic development, message selection and image design.

Yet without the scientific components of audience selection or advertising implementation and results analysis, marketing is incomplete.

It follows, both logically and intuitively, that marketing which is missing either art or science diminishes the opportunity for success.

As individuals responsible for marketing, we’re often predisposed to one realm or the other.

Some are drawn toward the artistic elements. Perhaps intuitive about crafting appealing, impactful communications... yet impatient with logistics. Others dive happily into numbers, systems and cost analysis... yet find the subtleties of message and design inscrutable.

Every business owner or manager must wear the marketing hat, among many others.

When racing between opportunities and emergencies, it’s human habit (some say nature) to neglect that which requires a more patient, considered approach.

Larger companies and organizations have entire marketing departments, specialists whose only focus is on the essentials of marketing as a driving force for business growth. Yet even marketing departments work with outside resources, such as consultants, agencies and specialized research firms or service vendors.

What can having a team provide for your marketing? It supports two needs:

1. Uncover Business Blind Spots

As individuals, or even as in-house teams, we can become so familiar with our company, products or services that our focus turns inward. We can miss major marketplace realities or rising trends that an outsider’s knowledge and fresh perspective quickly reveals.

2. View Offers from the Outside In

We may be focused on our bottom line, as we should be. Yet when seeking to capture market share, having a loyal team within which you encourage dissenting views becomes a real strength for offer development. Instead of a right vs. wrong struggle, you gain awareness of the complexity of your prospect universe, and your offer can be strengthened early on, before costly missteps in the live marketplace.

What is the Art and Science of Marketing?

It is your access to effective communications. It helps you connect you to your desired audience. It’s your opportunity to methodically build business results.

— Diane A. Curran