
english: golden sayings

youngsports 2006. 8. 9. 08:58


현대를 살아가는 한국인이 느끼는 영어의 어려움,

왜 말이 잘 안 늘지?

뭐, 답은 매일 이야기하는  한국말을 생각하면 답이 나오지요.

말은 계속 해야지 늘지요^-^**

좋은 글은 새겨두면 인생에 도움이 되겠지요 


Men who try something and fail are infinitely better than those who try nothing and succeed.


Learn from your past mistakes, then move on with your life.


You can’t solve your problems by escaping from them.


Failure is not falling down; you fail when you don’t get up.


Bad things happen in everybody’s life, not just yours.


When things become so bad that they can not become worse, they usually begin to get better.


You shouldn’t expect life’s very best if you’re not giving it your best.


Don’t waste your time grieving over past mistakes, learn from them and move on.


Don’t borrow from tomorrow, live each day to the fullest.


Search for the silver lining in every cloud.


See the glass as half full, not half empty.


Don’t waste time waiting for inspiration. Begin, and inspiration will find you.


Spend your time and energy creating, not criticizing.


A couple of words of praise and encouragement can make someone’s day.


Smile a lot. It costs nothing and is beyond price.


Don’t put off today’s work until tomorrow.


Choose your work that is in harmony with your values.


Work for a company where the expectations of you are high.


If you don’t focus on the money but on doing a good job, the money will come.

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